About us
First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, is a still speaking church in the heart of southwestern North Dakota. Our purpose is to worship God, to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be attentive to the working of the Holy Spirit, to celebrate the Sacraments, to realize Christian fellowship and unity within our church and the Church universal, to render loving service to all persons, and to strive for righteousness, justice and peace.
We maintain a covenantal relationship with the United Church of Christ and the Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ. We accept as our own all Statements of Faith approved by the General Synod of the United Church of Christ.
Our Congregational roots remain strong and the governance and action of our congregation is decided upon by the membership of the congregation. We are open to the ecumenical ministries of the community and we welcome all who seek to know God, regardless of where they might be on life's journey.